7th Maritime Salvage & Casualty Response

london conference
7th Maritime Salvage & Casualty Response, 7th - 8th September, London

Gaining Operational, Legal & Commercial Advantages From Practical Salvage Case Studies

Final Agenda Released:

The program now contains further details of each presentation including title and bullet points highlighting the main themes of each speaker.

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Confirmed Speakers & Topics Include:

  • Matt Bierwagen, Naval Architect, Resolve Marine - “AMADEO 1: Technical Case Study”

  • Sam Kendall-Marsden, Head of Division, UK & Americas, Standard Club -”AMADEO 1: Case Study – The Club’s Perspective”

  • Grant Hunter, Chief Officer Legal & Contractual Affairs, BIMCO - “Standard contract for dismantling offshore structures and contract for spill response equipment and services”

  • George Tsavliris, Principal, Tsavliris Salvage - “Salvage Contracts in Detail”

  • Jan De Boer, Senior Legal Officer, IMO -”Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention, origins and how it works”

  • Zoe Lappa-Papamatthaiou, Legal Director, Danaos Shipping - “Factors Affecting Overall Insurance Market and Concerns for Shipowners”

  • Sam Kendall-Marsden, Head of Division, UK & Americas, Standard Club
    Ed Wollaston, Associate Director, LOC
    Charles Anderson, Senior Vice President, Skuld North America - PANEL DISCUSSION: “Insurance, H&M and P&I Claims; overcoming the pressure in the Insurance & Claims business”

  • Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Commercial Director, Five Oceans Salvage
    George Tsavliris, Principal, Tsavliris Salvage
    Peter Glover, Of Counsel, Norton Rose Fulbright
    Alexey Karchiomov, Senior Associate, Advocate, Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners - PANEL DISCUSSION: “LOF: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly”

  • Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Commercial Director, Five Oceans Salvage - “Salvage in 2016 and Beyond”

  • Stephan Hennig, Counter Pollution & Salvage Officer, Maritime Coastguard Agency - “The Role of Authorities, Coastal States & Ports/Port Authorities in Salvage & Wreck Removal”

  • Kjetil Aasebo, Senior Advisor, Norwegian Coastal Administration - “The Norwegian Emergency Response model”

  • John Dickinson, Head of Delegation at IMO, Nautical Institute - “The Role of Coastal States, Local and Port Authorities in Salvage and Wreck Removal”

  • Jim Allsworth, Senior Admiralty Partner, C Solutions - “Comparison of two container salvage cases from C Solutions”

  • Simon Burnay, Director – Naval Architect, Cwaves - “Responding to the increasing Salvage & Wreck Removal engineering challenges of today”

  • Peter Glover, Of Counsel, Norton Rose Fulbright - “Salvage Response – Considerations”

  • Tony Walker, Deputy Head Marine & Energy, Xchanging - “Salvage Claims: is the London Market Getting it Right for its Assureds and is it Ready for the Challenges Ahead”
  • Peter Mellett, Managing Director, BMS Group - “Factors Affecting Overall Insurance Market and concerns for Shipowners”

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Why You Cannot Miss this Event?

7th Maritime Salvage & Casualty Response Conference address both the technical challenges of salvage operations as well as the legal, insurance and commercial implications through recent case studies and expert views from senior level representatives in the salvage industry.

We look forward to welcoming you on board!


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